Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here's wishing!

Well after an hour of phone calls and emails to my social worker and Barker, our international adoption agency, I finally figured out that Fairfax, Va is who is sending us our 1-600A approval. There are 2 offices in D.C. and we could not figure out which one was the right one. I got their email and emailed them for a "status" on our approval.
Sadly, our social worker told me they have been told to expect a 90 day wait. As in, 12 weeks for approval. UNBELIEVABLE! We are at week 6. I am so mad. Are my offices the slowest in the nation or what? I live where laws are made, signed into action and umm, hello, the President of the United States is a short drive away. Why are our offices the slowest? Not fair.
Sorry about the whine. Really I am.
I hope my email produces some faster results!


  1. Ugh, that is SOOO disappointing. Let's hope that the estimate is wrong!!!

  2. Hopefully she'll respond. She normally doesn't. They're a little understaffed. You know how long we waited for our I600A. Good luck!

  3. Hoping things move quicker for you.

  4. i hope the RIGHT person gets your email!!!

  5. So frustrating...My social worker told us our approval would prob take 3 months also here in La. AND we will be one of the first people to be using the new lockbox system. So the good Lord only knows how long we are going to wait!! I will keep you in my prayers :)

  6. That sucks! I used to work right down the road from the Fairfax location. I remember wishing I could just go pick it up. Our travel call was delayed 2 whole months due to embassy employee turnover in Seoul so I can relate. Maybe it will come sooner.



About Me

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We are waiting to adopt our fourth child from the U.S.A. I am a momma to three other awesome children and wife to the love of my life. My boys are homegrown and my daughter is adopted from S. Korea . We cannot wait to meet our next baby!