Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Referral

Alrighty, I have a few mintues to share about our referral! It was Monday morning, January 3rd and I knew it was our 8 month anniversary day of our dossier going to Korea. I was trying hard not to call our agency, but figured it had been 2 months since I had called them, and it would not hurt just to see if they thought my referral would be coming in soon. I actually braced myself for the worst. (as in you may be waiting months longer...) The agency head, S, was not at her desk and it went to voicemail. I left a message with what I wanted and my cell number. This was around 9:15am. I had dropped Jack off at preschool and Anderson and I were on our way for groceries. We got groceries, got home and I decided that my cabinets we store food in had to be cleaned out. We had just gotten in from visiting family the night before, and i had suitcases strewn everywhere, i have no idea why i just had to clean out our cabinets. So I pulled everything out, and had it all sitting on our kitchen counters. Anderson needed a diaper change, as in, right away. So we went upstairs, and I remembered to take my phone with me. As soon as I got him on a clean diaper I jumped up to wash my hands. RING RING RING! (11:14am) I turned around, mentally grossed out because i had not made it to wash my hands but wanting to talk to the agency too bad to care. It was S, and i was happy she was calling me back, but in NO WAY thought it was my referral. She asked me how our Christmas went, I told her nice things then got quiet so she could tell me her guess as to how much longer we would have to wait. "Well, I got your message, looked at my calander to do my predictions, and my phone buzzed from the front desk. (me: wondering where she was going with this!) "A referral just came in SILENCE and it is YOURS!" I cried and cried. I said "seriously?" thru tears. I could not stop crying. I thought to ask her her birthday, but first I asked if it was a little girl. She said YES! More crying by me. (Poor S!) She told me her birthday (June 22) and that she is adorable and they have been passing her pictures around the office. I just kept crying. lol! She told me to get off the phone and call my husband and she would call our satelite agency and set up our meeting to view the pictures the next day. So I called Daniel. Poor Daniel. I was still crying. He thought one of the boys had been really hurt and he could not understand me. Then he lost the call. Poor Daniel. He finally got back thru and realized I was happy and we have our baby! The rest of the day is honestly a blur. I don't remember driving to pick up Jack from preschool. It took me 6 hours to get those food items back in the pantry. I was in total shock. I cried on and off ALL day. I got down on my knees and thanked the Lord my wait was over and I have a daughter in Korea. It was a day I will never ever forget. We had a daughter, I just had no idea what she looked like! More on that night and the next day soon..........
And I just have to add how crazy it is that I had not called in 8 weeks and the morning I call, my referral is delivered to our agency mintues after I call???? I think the front desk receptionist was wondering what telephone line connection to God I have! :)
*** And another, really neat thing to share. Go look at my post from the day Leah Bitna was born, June 22, 2010. I have the picture re-posted of us mailing our application to adopt. And read what I said. Amazing! "I wonder how her birthmother is coping" I know that day was so so hard for her birthmother. I was obviously thinking about her and praying for her. I am so glad. I know any extra prayers sent her way were needed. Leah was very very loved by her birthmother, and I find that an answer to my prayers for Leah.


  1. Oh, I love this!! Love God is over every single detail! What an amazing referral story!! And can't wait to see picture of your daughter!!!

  2. Thank you for a fantastic post detailing it! Awesome! I can only imagine (and dream). I am so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS again and again! You have a baby girl!

  3. Wow. What a wonderful story! I loved every minute of it!
    And her middle name, Bitna, is beautiful! Is it her Korean name?

  4. Oh what a day to remember! Congratulations again!

  5. I have goosebumps reading this. It's a beautiful referral story.

  6. AHHHHHHHHH Can you tell I am screaming? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. SO happy to hear your news. I have been thinking about you. Awesome way to start 2011. Now where's her picture?



About Me

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We are waiting to adopt our fourth child from the U.S.A. I am a momma to three other awesome children and wife to the love of my life. My boys are homegrown and my daughter is adopted from S. Korea . We cannot wait to meet our next baby!