Monday, December 21, 2009

State fingerprints

Yea our state fingerprints came back to the agency and look great. I was worried we would have to re-print because they were taking so long to get back to our social worker. One more little check for my list of things not to worry about. So our home visit will hopefully be next Thursday.
We are snowed in - I have some great pictures to share but have to get them downloaded onto this computer - more on that later!
I have to get Jack checked out by our pediatrician tomorrow - the checkups I had done back in the summer for them are too old now to use. This is crazy how all this is falling right around Christmas. I sure did not plan this well. This has been the craziest holiday ever!!!


  1. i agree w/craziest holiday ever! and YAY for the prints!

  2. So happy the fingerprints came back!! And wow - crazy how much is falling around the holiday!

  3. Yay! Must feel nice to have those checked off your list!



About Me

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We are waiting to adopt our fourth child from the U.S.A. I am a momma to three other awesome children and wife to the love of my life. My boys are homegrown and my daughter is adopted from S. Korea . We cannot wait to meet our next baby!