Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This year we give thanks for.........

Unknown BLESSINGS already on their way. - Author unknown

We love you, baby girl, and know you are on your way to us. We will miss you tomorrow, but hope with all our hearts next Thanksgiving we will get to hold you high when our turn comes around to share what we are thankful for.


  1. Love it! May "borrow" tomorrow. :)

  2. I love this quote. I may have to borrow it too! Thanks so much for sharing. You better believe, girl, that both of our blessing are on their way and hopefully very, very soon!

  3. We are too - love this quote. Thinking of you! Sending up a prayer that Monday is your day! Talk to you soon. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Oh, Elisabeth, I hope you don't have to wait much longer to see your baby girl's face!!



About Me

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We are waiting to adopt our fourth child from the U.S.A. I am a momma to three other awesome children and wife to the love of my life. My boys are homegrown and my daughter is adopted from S. Korea . We cannot wait to meet our next baby!