Friday, August 6, 2010

So getaway rescheduled

Due to lots of reasons, we are rescheduling our get-away tonight. We think we will do it when we get our referral now as a celebration get away. :)

Happy, happy news a bloggy friend got her referral with our same agency. Her paperwork went to Korea 6 weeks before ours, which makes me giddy. She now has a baby boy!! ;)

Happy Friday everyone!!!


  1. Wow, only 6 weeks before you? That's awesome!

  2. Yea, I am trying to not get too excited, but it does mean movement!

  3. Wow - who? I'm so excited! Very good news! Hoping you get one soon!
    Sorry to hear you have to reschedule your get away. It sounds like a great way to celebrate your referral though! :)

  4. Also I had an idea - if you want to get away just yourself to help the boys adjust - feel free to come to a waiting parents' meeting or something and spend the night at our house. Just thought I'd offer if it works out for you sometime. :)

  5. Such a nice idea! A waiting parents meeting sounds good. I. Always am bummed I miss those.

  6. OMG! I am excited for you. Seeing the light yet?? You will soon...YEA!

  7. Oh, I remember that feeling! When movement would happen, my heart would just about burst...the anticipation leading up to the referral {and the referral itself, obviously!} is SO intense and wonderful!

  8. You never know when your phone will ring :-)

  9. OK, so the sooner you go, the sooner we get to get moving!! The anticipation is catching!!



About Me

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We are waiting to adopt our fourth child from the U.S.A. I am a momma to three other awesome children and wife to the love of my life. My boys are homegrown and my daughter is adopted from S. Korea . We cannot wait to meet our next baby!